The name, Beloved Robot, is an homage to a couple of our CEO Jarrod’s favorite things.
Beloved was a small indie/hardcore band that Jarrod loved dearly in high school and college. They broke up after only one studio album, and he never quite got over it. Above is an old school clip from their final show on YouTube.
The Robot part is about what you expect. We’ve always loved robots. Big robots, small robots, smart robots, dumb robots, vintage robots, cutting edge robots. We could go on.
Our favorite robot of all time is pictured above.
And lastly, the smartphone has become one of the most important and loved possessions that we all carry with us. Some could argue we love them a little too much. But if you would have shown the 7-year-old version of yourself a modern smartphone, it would have blown your mind. So you might say that we build tools for the Beloved Robot you carry with you every day.