A note from our CEO:
When I started Beloved Robot in 2012, I knew that there was a ton of potential for technology, specifically mobile apps, to bring incredible innovation. So the idea here at Beloved Robot was simply to assemble a team of folks who saw this same opportunity and were ready to tackle some significant challenges.
Since then, we've assembled a team of developers, designers, writers, amateur coffee roasters, world travelers, living full time in an RV'ers, volunteers, advocates, and all-around hard workers. We aren't your typical start-up. We aren't a start-up at all. We've built this business from the ground up and only answer to our customers. And we don't spend our Friday afternoons playing company laser tag. :) We take the work that we do very seriously because we know how important it is to you.
Within the first year of starting this business, I saw that there was a need that most companies had, and we were perfectly suited to fill it. Almost every industry we met with expressed the need for their internal tools to be better. And there were so many ideas that would come up over and over again.
"Man, it would be great if our crews could track their time on their phones instead of manually entering them into our system."
"I wish we could use these iPads to perform our daily safety walks."
"We waste so much time moving paper around, I wish we could do all this paperwork on the phones they have in their pocket”
You get the idea…
So that's been our focus. Working side by side with all of our customers, helping them solve their most challenging workflows. Using a proven approach that looks for the most practical and best solution we can deliver. We aren't beholden to specific platforms or frameworks. Our only goal is to build robust and powerful tools that your team can depend on every day. The best compliment that we have ever received from one of our customers is: "It just works."
I grew up the son of a cabinetmaker and the grandson of a home builder and steelworker. So I don't take for granted how hard it is to get the real work done. So we focus all of our energy on empowering your team to do their best work. And the technology just needs to not get in the way. I appreciate you checking out Beloved Robot. If you'd like to chat or have some ideas you would like to run past me, don't hesitate to email me or call 205.538.2763. I'm serious, you can call. I would love to chat with you.
Talk Soon,
Jarrod Glasgow
Build Great Stuff
No one has ever gone out of business for delivering high-quality services and products for their customers. Our focus is on making everything we build excellent from the start. We don't chase fads or trends. We are laser-focused on building robust and powerful tools you can depend on every single day.
Treat People Right
Doing the right thing and being kind will never go out of style. We treat each other and our customers with the utmost dignity and kindness. No matter your background, race, religion, creed, or gender, we will treat you like we would treat our own family members. We will always be truthful, honest, and fair to everyone.
Be Smart
We follow common sense principles in how we run our business. We don't spend more than we earn, we don't spend money on frivolous things, we don't give anything away for free. We've been profitable from day one and plan on being from now on. We are in business to be in business and are here for the long haul.
Do Hard Things
We will always step up to the challenge. We don't see much value in taking the easy way out or coasting along. This is a principle that applies to us all personally and as a business. We all deeply believe in the moniker: "If it were easy, everyone would do it."